Plant ID:112
Latin Name:Cornus sericea 'Bailey'
Common:Bailey's Redtwig Dogwood
Plant Type:4
Height/Width:6-10ft x 6-10ft
Sun Pref:Full sun
Bloom Time:Late spring
Notes:Bailey's Redtwig Dogwood is probably the most popular cultivar due to its vigor, quick establishment, and thick stems. The dark red color is best displayed on sunny winter days
Care:many gardeners choose to remove 20-25% of the oldest stems in early spring of each year to stimulate growth of new stems which will display the best red color
LinksCornus sericea 'Bailey'
QtyPurch DatePriceOrig PriceStorePlanting Location
3 5/1/2005 0.00 Either side of basketball court
7 5/15/2007 0.00 0.00 Meijer Behind lacebark elm