Plant ID:324
Latin Name:Thymus 'Archers Gold'
Common:Thyme 'Archers Gold
Plant Type:10
Height/Width:12in x 10in
Sun Pref:Full sun
Bloom Time:Spring
Notes:Lavender flowers, gold-edged foliage and a strong, sharp lemon scent. In summer it carries short, irregular branched stalks with clusters of tiny, pale lavender-pink flowers with leaflike bracts in irregular, oblong heads.
Care:prune back branches each spring to where new growth sprouts from the base of plant. Pinch growing shoots regularly to prevent plant from becoming woody. Water and fertilize sparingly, excess growth is susceptible to disease and winterkill.
LinksThymus 'Archers Gold'
QtyPurch DatePriceOrig PriceStorePlanting Location
1 4/30/2006 5.00 Delhi Rock wall near bend