Plant ID:341
Latin Name:Picea alies 'Pumila'
Common:Pumila Dwarf Norway Spruce
Plant Type:5
Height/Width:3-6ft x 3-6ft
Sun Pref:Full sun
Bloom Time:
Notes:Short, dark-green foliage on a very uniformly branched plant. Globose, rounded habit when young, spreading with age. All shoots uniformly pointed out or up. New growth appears later on 'Pumila' than other simalar cultivars.
Care:Norway spruce requires abundant moisture. Even established specimens should be given supplemental watering during prolonged dry periods.
LinksPicea alies 'Pumila'
QtyPurch DatePriceOrig PriceStorePlanting Location
3 9/17/2006 22.49 Kyles Station Maple berm