Plant ID:358
Latin Name:Rhododendron 'Roseum Elegans'
Common:Rhododendron 'Roseum Elegans'
Plant Type:5
Height/Width:6-8ft x 6-8ft
Sun Pref:Shade / part sun
Bloom Time:Mid May
Notes:Use Holly-tone to fertilize and use Ironite to green up the leaves. Pinch off flowers after they fade. Fertilize with Holly-tone approximately April 1st, May 20th, July 4th & October 30th.
Care:This plant needs excellent drainage, mulching and a peat moss soil additive. Roots will rot in poorly drained soil. Will not do well in windy sites.
LinksRhododendron 'Roseum Elegans'
QtyPurch DatePriceOrig PriceStorePlanting Location
1 5/15/2007 17.99 Meijer A/C unit