Plant ID:392
Latin Name:RUMEX Sanguineus
Common:Bloody Sorrel
Plant Type:10
Height/Width:15in x 12in
Sun Pref:Full to partial sun
Bloom Time:
Notes:This clump of upright, lanceolate bright green leaves have exquisite deep red veins. A colorful and unique herb that may be harvested to add to soups or salads. Prefers both heat and copious moisture to produce large luxurious clumps. A striking foliage accent for perennial borders and mixed container plantings as well as decorative potages. Produces insignificant flowers in summer. Herbaceous perennial
LinksRUMEX Sanguineus
QtyPurch DatePriceOrig PriceStorePlanting Location
3 5/15/2009 4.00 Flower show To right of rock river
2 5/18/2013 5.99 5.99 Meijer Either side of Bosque Elm
3 9/28/2013 4.99 4.99 Sharon Nursery West side back hill