Plant ID:395
Latin Name:Astilbe 'Deutschland'
Common:Astilbe 'Deutschland'
Plant Type:10
Height/Width:24in x 16in
Sun Pref:Part shade/shade
Bloom Time:Early/mid-summer
Notes:Perfect perennial to dress up a shaded area. Looks great planted with hostas. The flower plumes also make good cutflowers. Mound-shaped perennials with fernlike foliage produce dozens of soft feathery flowers on 20-40" tall spikes in late spring to early summer. Astilbes thrive when planted by a waterside, but they grow well anywhere and are not fussy about soil.
Care:Can tolerate more sun in boggy sites. Won't thrive in alkaline or heavy clay soils that dry out in the summer. Fertile, organic soil, that retains moisture, but not soggy.
LinksAstilbe 'Deutschland'
QtyPurch DatePriceOrig PriceStorePlanting Location
3 5/1/2005 5.99 12.99 Butlers Better Blooms Behind patmore ash
2 9/28/2013 5.00 0.00 Natorp Left of dry creek