Plant ID:470
Latin Name:Polygonatum odoratum 'Variegatum'
Common:Soloman's Seal variegated
Plant Type:10
Height/Width:2-3ft x 1ft
Sun Pref:Shade to part shade
Bloom Time:April-May
Notes:Best in woodland gardens, wild gardens or naturalized areas. May be used in partially shaded borders or rock gardens. Creamy white foliage variegation can be striking in shady areas. Good with astilbe and ferns. This Solomon's seal cultivar is a rhizomatous, upright, arching perennial which typically grows in a mound to 1-2' tall on unbranched, angular stems. Pairs of small, bell-shaped, white flowers on short pedicels dangle in spring from the leaf axils along and underneath the arching stems. Flowers are sweetly fragrant. Young stems are tinged with maroon. Flowers are followed by blue-black berries in autumn. Ovate, conspicuously parallel-veined, variegated leaves (to 4" long) are soft green with white tips and margins. Leaves turn an attractive yellow in autumn. The common name is usually considered to be in reference to the large, circular seals (leaf stalk scars) located on the rhizomes. However, Edgar Denison suggests that the name actually refers to purported "wound sealing properties" of the polygonatums. Variegated foliage is attractive in flower arrangements even if stems are not in flower.
Care:Easily grown in average, medium to wet, well-drained soil in part shade to full shade. Prefers moist, humusy soils.
LinksPolygonatum odoratum 'Variegatum'
QtyPurch DatePriceOrig PriceStorePlanting Location
2 4/10/2012 14.99 14.99 Geraci\'s Near the two easternmost ash
1 4/22/2012 19.99 19.99 Delhi By dry creek (replaced variegted dogwood)
4 5/17/2014 12.00 12.00 Natorp outlet Near the two easternmost ash
1 6/2/2012 16.99 16.99 Sharon Nursery By dry creek bed above the one planted on 4/22/12