Plant ID:57
Latin Name:Viburnum juddi
Common:Juddi viburnum
Plant Type:4
Height/Width:6-8 ft x 6-8 ft
Sun Pref:Sun/part sun
Bloom Time:April
Notes:Very fragrant blooms. Maturing at about 8 feet, this cultivar is spreading and rounded in habit. The flowers in early spring are semi-snowball, changing from pink in bud to white. The fruit is black
LinksViburnum juddi
QtyPurch DatePriceOrig PriceStorePlanting Location
3 5/15/2008 19.99 0.00 Station Road Farm West of B-ball court
3 8/15/2004 23.40 39.99 Berns Berm
7 9/22/2012 49.00 65.00 Natorp Outlet Krekel berm
1 9/28/2018 59.00 59.00 Pinecrest Nursery Krekel Berm