Plant ID:59
Latin Name:Euonymus alatus compactus
Common:Dwarf Burning Bush
Plant Type:4
Height/Width:6 feet x 10 feet
Sun Pref:Full sun/part sun
Bloom Time:
Notes:Intense red foliage colour in fall. Full sun for best color. Likes a good supply of moisture during spring and summer.
LinksEuonymus alatus compactus
QtyPurch DatePriceOrig PriceStorePlanting Location
1 0.00 2009 Wild seedling - lwest of Blue Spruce
3 10/15/2010 10.00 19.99 Pinecrest Either side of Hannah bear tree
0 10/6/2011 29.99 29.99 Natorp Behind upper bench
3 5/1/2009 0.00 0.00 Behind upper bench
4 6/1/2005 0.00 0.00 North of eastern Zelkova
3 7/10/2000 33.00 33.00 Berns Side of garage
3 9/15/2007 0.00 0.00 Near Hannah bear tree, to right of small blue spruce
3 9/9/2008 18.00 0.00 Natorp Outlet Hannah bear tree, back hill