Plant ID:85
Latin Name:Athyrium nipponicum
Common:Japanese Painted Fern
Plant Type:10
Height/Width:20in x 24in-30in
Sun Pref:Shade, part shade
Bloom Time:
Notes:Japanese painted fern creates a brightness and fine texture that contrasts well with other shade plants.
Care:'Pictum' gradually forms multiple crowns and is easily propagated by clump division in early spring. grows best in neutral to slightly acid soil rich in humus
LinksAthyrium nipponicum
QtyPurch DatePriceOrig PriceStorePlanting Location
1 5/10/2011 7.99 0.00 Lowes Patio walkway
1 9/15/2011 7.99 0.00 Berns Rock island
1 9/9/2008 7.00 Natorp Outlet Next to green ash on back hill