Plant ID:381
Latin Name:Anemone 'Whirlwind'
Common:Japanese Anemone 'Whirlwind'
Plant Type:10
Height/Width:36-48 in x 18-24 in
Sun Pref:Sun to Partial Shade
Bloom Time:Late Summer/Early Fall
Notes:From late summer to fall, there is no flower quite like it in the border. 2" flowers on tall stems are freely and continuously produced. Good for cut flowers. Plant it under shrubs or trees with spring bulbs, ferns, or bleeding hearts (Dicentra).
Care:Likes moisture. They thrive in deep, rich, moisture-retentive soils where they get some relief from the mid-day sun. Do not disturb the roots unless necessary.
LinksAnemone 'Whirlwind'
QtyPurch DatePriceOrig PriceStorePlanting Location
1 7.00 12.98 Natorp Outlet East side of back hill by Purple Ash
3 10/22/2011 1.12 6.98 Lowes Eastern zelkova (1), between zelkove and cherry (2)